Park and Recreation Districts FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This list has been compiled from questions and comments received about the park and recreation districts serving residents in Centennial.
Does the City of Centennial have a Park and Recreation District?
The City does not operate a Park and Recreation District. The City does own a few park and recreation sites, but relies on the Park and Recreation Districts to provide the wonderful parks, trails and open space amenities that can be found within Centennial and are enjoyed by many.
Why are Centennial logos located on assets within the Park and Recreation Districts?
The City of Centennial funds projects in partnership with all the Park and Recreation Districts within the City’s boundaries and those areas outside of City boundaries that serve Centennial residents. When Centennial funds are used on these projects the City requires the City logo be placed on the asset. Arapahoe County has the same requirement for any project funded with County funds.
Does the City of Centennial fund maintenance for parks and trails owned and operated by any Park and Recreation District located within the City boundary?
The City’s funding policy 2020-CCP-04(PDF, 111KB) does not allow City funds to be used for ongoing maintenance. A requirement of requesting City funds is that the Park and Recreation District prove that they are able to maintain the asset into the future.
Does the City of Centennial operate a water district that can help off-set the cost of irrigation?
The City operates under a contract model which means all utilities, including water, are provided by a separate District. Learn about Water and Sanitation Districts providing service throughout Centennial.