Welcome to the AUC-4 Have Your Say virtual community meeting. The information below will inform you about a proposed development. The City wants to hear about the impacts and benefits the proposed development could have and how to improve it.
Summary of Roles:
- Community Members provide written comments and ask questions about the proposed Regulating Plan. The purpose is to improve the proposed Regulating Plan by considering and incorporating relevant community feedback.
- City Staff/Case Manager guides the land development application through the process, ensuring the proposed Regulating Plan meets the City’s regulations set forth in the LDC. The AUC-4 Regulating Plan is a City-initiated application.
- Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as impartial judges, will consider the proposed Regulating Plan in a public hearing and provide City Council with a recommendation of approval or denial.
- City Council will act as impartial judges on the proposed Regulating Plan, considering evidence presented in a public hearing in order to approve or deny the application.
We would like to invite you to share comments on the proposed land development application identified below.
Have Your Say
After reviewing Expectations and Summary of Roles sections, the City of Centennial invites Community Members to provide written comments and ask questions about the proposed application on the proposed land development application, at the link below.
AUC-4 Project Information
Share Your Thoughts
Upon review of the AUC-4 Project information above, click on the green 'Discussions' bar below to share comments and questions.
Next Steps
After receiving neighborhood comments, a Community Participation Report will be created, which will be publicly available once the project is formally submitted for review.