Centennial 101
Discover How Your City Works
Have you ever wondered... How does a local government work? How does a building plan go through the approval process? How are streets prioritized for plowing after it snows? Where do your tax dollars go? Then Centennial 101 is for you!
Centennial 101 is an interactive six-week program to discover how your City works. Learn what makes Centennial unique and find out how to get more involved in your community.
Centennial 101 is also an opportunity for us to learn from you. What do you care about? What are your ideas? We want to know.
Class Information
Applications for 2024 are Closed. The 2025 Centennial 101 program is anticipated for Fall. Sign up to receive E-Newsletters to be notified when applications are available. Learn what district you live in.
Check Out Photos of Centennial 101