Submit a Block Party/Street Closure Request

Online Form

Step 1.Submission Deadline

You MUST submit your request at least three (3) weeks PRIOR to the date of the requested street closure.

Step 2.Review the Guidelines of a Street Closure Request

You will need to confirm that you have read and agree to the following guidelines for your request.

  • Acknowledgement that affected neighbors have been notified of the closure. 
  • Emergency vehicles must have access at all times between closure ends during the event.
  • The use of large tents may require a separate permit from your local fire district, you are encouraged to contact them for additional information.
  • The barricade setup must be accomplished in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards. No vehicles, traffic cones, saw horses, trash cans, etc. will be allowed to be used as a barricade to block off a street.

      Review the Barricade Examples(PDF, 84KB)

Step 3.Complete the Online Form

Submit your Request

Step 4.We'll Review Your Request

  • It will take approximately two (2) weeks for the City to respond and the applicant will be notified by phone and/or e-mail.
  • If approved, copies of the approval will be sent to the applicant, the Fire Protection District, and the Sheriff’s Office. 
  • Upon request, a paper copy of the permit will be sent, if a mailing address is provided.



Paper Form

Step 1.Submission Deadline

You MUST submit your request at least three (3) weeks PRIOR to the date of the requested street closure.

Step 2.Gather Your Information

Please include the following information:

  • Your name, phone number and e-mail address. 
  • State the purpose of the street closure.
  • Date and times of the event/closure will take place. 
  • The location of where the event will be held and points of requested closure.
  • Include a map or sketch of the area to be closed off.
  • State whether the closure will be using owned or rented barricades.

Step 3.Review the Guidelines of a Street Closure Request 

You will need to confirm that you have read and agree to the following guidelines for your request.

  • Acknowledgement that affected neighbors have been notified of the closure. 
  • Emergency vehicles must have access at all times between closure ends during the event.
  • The use of large tents may require a separate permit from your local fire district, you are encouraged to contact them for additional information.
  • The barricade setup must be accomplished in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards. No vehicles, traffic cones, saw horses, trash cans, etc. will be allowed to be used as a barricade to block off a street.

Review the Barricade Examples(PDF, 84KB)

Step 4.Submit Your Request 

Submit your request in writing. 

Mail or drop it off at:

Centennial Public Works
7272 S. Eagle St.
Centennial, CO 80112

Step 5.We'll Review Your Request

  • It will take approximately two (2) weeks for the City to respond if your request has been approved.
  • You will be notified by phone and/or e-mail.
  • A paper copy of the permit will only be sent upon request, if a mailing address is provided.
  • If approved, copies of the approval will be sent to the applicant, the Fire Protection District, and the Sheriff’s Office.