Front Yard
(Must be 50% opaque)
Interior Side Yard
Street Side Yard
Rear Yard
Side or Rear Yard, Abutting
Arterial or Collector
Interior Side or Rear Yard Abutting CG, BP, I, AC, or UC District
Maximum Height
4 ft.
6 ft.
6 ft.
6 ft.
8 ft.
Minimum Setback from Property Line
0 ft., but at least 6 in. from sidewalk, if present;
5 ft. from streets, if no sidewalk;
Not allowed in required sight triangles at street intersections or in the public right-of-way
0 ft.
0 ft., but at least 6 in. from sidewalk, if present;
5 ft. from streets, if no sidewalk;
Not allowed in required sight triangles at street intersections or in the public right-of-way
0 ft.
0 ft.;
Not allowed in required sight triangles at street intersections or in the public right-of-way
As set out in applicable previous column of this table
Materials used for fences and garden walls shall be durable, and of a character commonly used in residential applications, including:
- Wood, provided that it will be durable using a weather resistant species, split rail design, wood that is treated with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved preservatives or finished (painted or stained and sealed);
- Ornamental wrought iron or powder-coated aluminum;
- Vinyl;
- Composite materials; or
- Masonry (brick, finished concrete, split face concrete masonry units, or stone).
- Chain link fences are permitted only in interior side yards and rear yards that are not also street yards.
The following materials are not allowed as fence or garden wall components: scrap lumber, plywood, tree branches, tree trunks, sheet metal, plastic or fiberglass sheets, barbed wire (except as provided in subsection C.3., above), spikes, nails or other comparable sharp points.
The finished side of all fences shall face toward any adjacent public right-of-way, City trail or City park.