Traffic Signals
The City of Centennial is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all City traffic signals, the traffic signal control system, school beacons, the review and approval of all new traffic signal and school beacon installations, along with the developing, implementing and updating of the traffic signal timing and coordination.
Timing and coordinating signals minimizes the amount of time commuters sit in traffic.
The City operates and maintains the following devices:
- 82 traffic signals - including two pedestrian signals and one Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB)
- 31 school beacons
- One actuated crosswalk with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB)
- 12 electronic speed signs
The City has transitioned its traffic signals from an older dial-up signal system to a more robust and efficient Ethernet based central signal system. This system, along with the enhanced communication network, will improve response times to outages and faults through instant alerts and network messages sent to the City staff.
Other Information
List of Signalized Intersections(PDF, 239KB)
Centennial Traffic Signals