
traffic on arapahoe road

Centennial's Traffic Engineering Services (TES) provides a safe and efficient transportation system for residents and commuters within the City.

A wide range of components are included in the area of Traffic Engineering Services including:

View designated truck routes in the City of Centennial.

City staff works with transportation agencies in surrounding jurisdictions, coordinating efforts to improve the transportation network.

Yard Sign Community Education Program

The City has initiated a Yard Sign Community Education program, available annually, from April 15 until November 15 to support and raise awareness of traffic related safety. This program encourages neighbors to work with neighbors to raise awareness and provide a gentle reminder to drivers encouraging them to slow down. Learn more about the Yard Sign Program here.

Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP)

In an effort to create solutions for responding to neighborhood traffic mitigation requests, the City has adopted a comprehensive Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP).

The program's primary objectives are to: mitigate resident concerns regarding excessive traffic speeds and cut-through traffic impacts; support enjoyment and quality of life for multiple modes of travel and different types of users; efficiently allocate the use of public resources; and encourage resident involvement in responding to neighborhood traffic concerns.


Funding for the NTMP program is limited. All qualifying applications are ranked using criteria specified in the NTMP manual(PDF, 1MB) . Applications that rank higher will receive a program priority. Review the NTMP flowchart for additional information regarding the process of an application.

Residents requesting neighborhood traffic calming measures are encouraged to become familiar with the requirements and options provided in the NTMP manual. 

Submit an NTMP Request


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