Snow Plow Routes
Streets are maintained for snow and ice control according to their designated priority.
Priority 1 (P1) - Major arterial streets generally located within the one-mile grid and have four or more travel lanes. Also includes streets that provide access for emergency services such as fire stations, medical facilities and the Sheriff’s Office. Priority 1 streets will be maintained for all snow events.
Priority 2 (P2) - Minor arterial and major collector streets that generally connect the major arterial streets to P3 streets. The main street that provides access to schools, major office areas and business areas such as grocery stores and service stations. Priority 2 streets will be maintained for all snow events.
Priority 3 (P3) - All remaining local streets not specifically identified as a P1 or P2 street. Priority 3 streets are maintained only when authorized by the City Manager or his designee. The City Manager will consider the following guidelines in determining when to authorize Priority 3 snow route plowing:
- Forecasted street snow accumulation is six (6) or more inches;
- Forecasted temperatures are below freezing for an extended period after the storm;
- Forecasted additional snow events within the next 24-48 hours.
Snow Plowing Map
View the Centennial Snow Plowing Map interactive map | PDF map(PDF, 456KB)) to see Priority 1, 2 and 3 routes in the City. View the Snow and Ice Control web page.
State Highway Maintenance
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) maintains the State highways listed below. Maintenance requests may be made to CDOT by calling 303-757-9514.
- I-25
- Parker Road
- University Boulevard
- Arapahoe Road (I-25 to Parker)