Capital Improvement Program

2025 Centennial Capital Improvement Program (CIP) ten year CIP

A priority of the community is the planning and improvement of public infrastructure.

Aging infrastructure and construction of new streets, recreation facilities and public safety facilities must keep pace with the changing population and citizen demand for increased quality of life.

The Capital Improvement Program(PDF, 2MB) (CIP) sets the general schedule within which public improvements are proposed to be undertaken. The 10-year plan reflects the adopted budget for the next two fiscal years, the projected improvements that could be made in the next 5 years, and a 10 year projection consistent with the City's long term goals. The 10-year projection should be used as a guideline for the City's decision makers rather than a literal schedule as unforeseen events will influence the City's budget levels and priorities.

The CIP draws from four sources of funding to implement projects: the Street Fund, the Capital Improvement Fund, the Open Space Fund, and the Conservation Trust Fund. The Street Fund is used to fund the City's transportation and safety infrastructure, while the Capital Improvement Fund is used to fund the major maintenance of all facilities owned by the City. The Open Space Fund and Conservation Trust Fund work in tandem to fund the maintenance and enhancement of the City's network of parks, open space and trails. The Open Space Fund is generated by the Arapahoe County Open Space Tax, which restricts how it may be used and the Fund's availability is contingent on the continuation of the tax as a funding source. The Conservation Trust Fund is funded by the state lottery program and is also restricted in its uses.

The goal of the 10-year Capital Improvement Program(PDF, 2MB) is to assist the City with long range planning and to help anticipate our future needs. It is a dynamic document that will be updated every year as priorities, needs and available funding change.

Learn about concrete deterioration and why concrete begins to crack and crumble and what you can do to prevent it.

Construction Projects in the City

View details on roadway projects.